Let’s separate true success from the lame-ass version of success we have been sold.
Pain is good. It brings with it great richness of experience and great joy…
How you define your consciousness really matters. It has a BIG impact on your perspective and your behavior, as we shall see…
This assumes suffering is wrong somehow, and that when we are free of it, then we will truly be LIVING. This is a very dangerous notion, if you ask me.
Reaching your limit is an opportunity to push through to everything you want.
This is possibly THE most important requirement of all, and the simplest.
One of the great tragedies of our time is that we have fallen in love with Spring and Summer and we no longer honour Autumn and Winter.
Fear has an energy and a force about it that makes it seem real, and makes it seem sensible, and makes it seem important. This is part of the immediacy of fear, and it’s another thing that makes fear dangerous.
This brings me back to the central question again: Is desire good or bad?